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                                                              Lisa the Organizer: Your Personal Home Organization Coach


This post is sponsored by Lisa the Organizer. All opinions are those of the author.

It’s amazing how quickly things can pile up, isn’t it?  All of the school papers, mail, toys, laundry, and random kitchen clutter can sneak up on you.  It feels overwhelming when you don’t know where to start, or when you want to transform your space but aren’t sure how.

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone could come to your home and help you get organized?  Lisa the Organizer can help!

About Lisa

Lisa the Organizer: Your Personal Home Organization Coach Lynda Lantz Contributor Miami Moms Blog
Lisa Haubenstock, owner and founder of Lisa the Organizer

After many years as a preschool teacher, Lisa decided to put her natural organization skills to work and became a professional organizer.  Having launched her business in New Jersey, she recently relocated to South Florida and is expanding her services to those of us in Miami and surrounding areas.  She gets it.  She understands that the task of becoming organized can feel really overwhelming.  But she is passionate about coming alongside her clients as a non-judgemental personal coach to help them achieve their goals.  She’s a member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) and serves on the board of the South Florida NAPO chapter.  She also holds certifications in household management and residential organizing.


Working with an organizer is a process that involves goal setting, planning, and maintenance.  Prior to our appointment, Lisa asked me what some of my goals were and then helped me come up with a plan.

Like many apartment residents, our biggest issue is space.  We have a lot of stuff in a small space, and I just didn’t know where to start.  She was quickly able to advise me about what to tackle first so that I could see some immediate progress.  For example, we have a large, heavy TV and entertainment center that needed to go.  Getting rid of them will free up a lot of space so that we can rearrange our living room–something we’ve wanted to do for a while now.  So together we spent some time looking into various options for tackling this.

Electronics need to be responsibly recycled and disposed of, and as it turns out there are some local businesses that do just that!  Electronic Recycling Center offers scheduled pick-up services (for a fee) or free drop-off at their facility.  I also discovered STS Electronic Recycling which offers free computer and electronics recycling pick-up services in Miami-Dade.  This was so helpful to know!

For A copy of this article, please click Miami Mom’s Blog – Your personal Organizing Coach