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Folding Tips

Do you need tips for folding, storing and organizing your clothes?

Clients are always asking me how to maximize their closet and drawer space. First and foremost, I always advise not to put your clothing in piles. This inevitably results in things falling all over the place when you go to pull that T-shirt out.

Instead, I like to file fold clothing. File folding allows each article of clothing to stand up so you can remove it right out of the drawer and not worry that everything else will fall. Not only does it allow you to see what you have in your drawers, it gives you more space within the drawers.  To contain and organize your file folded clothes even more, I like to use the skubb boxes from Ikea.  These inserts come in several sizes, fit into your drawers, and do a great job containing both large and smaller items.


Visit LisaTheOrganizer for more home organization tips.