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Packing & Unpacking


The LTO goal is to make your packing process seamless and stress free. LTO will assist in determining what packing products will be necessary for your move.

Moving entails details. The details of YOUR move is of the utmost importance to me. We pay attention to every one of these details, and make sure that all of the facets of your move from start to finish will go as planned.
All items that are packed by the LTO team are checked and verified that they are ready for transport.

All boxes will be numbered and labeled for their specific locations at the new space.

All boxes will be packed from similar spaces and not mixed. This sorting and itemization saves time for the unpacking process.


The LTO team offers various service levels for unpacking and is determined by the client. This can range from a simple unpack, such as items being put in drawers, to a comprehensive unpack with labeling, folding and organizing product incorporation.

Advise. Customize. Organize.

Call: 954.412.1920

Closet Unpack After
Closet Unpack Before
Garage After
Garage Before

LTO offers a turnkey experience for all services as well as a-la-cart options. This cost-effective approach allows you to Declutter before you move so you don’t pay for unwanted items. Ultimately, this will save you money and time during your organizing process.

Relieve stress, be more productive and efficient.